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The Tb points given to this wine are the world’s most valid and most up-to-date evaluation of the quality of the wine. Tastingbook points are formed by the Tastingbook algorithm which takes into account the wine ratings of the world's best-known professional wine critics, wine ratings by thousands of tastingbook’s professionals and users, the generally recognised vintage quality and reputation of the vineyard and winery. Wine needs at least five professional ratings to get the Tb score. Tastingbook.com is the world's largest wine information service which is an unbiased, non-commercial and free for everyone.


The Story

This is one of the best second wines of the Médoc. Connétable saw the light of day in the sixties. It has benefited over the years from all the care given to the vineyard and increasingly severe selections.
Like its predecessor Chateau Talbot, this is a classic, elegant wine with a clear, well-designed structure and a long, fresh finish.

Legend relates that the name of this imposing estate originates with Connétable Talbot, a famous Englis...


Wine Information

Vintage that nature created thanks to sufficient water supply on the last two years combined with an early dry summer which helped to make a stop on the growth.
July finally victorious with its strength and its zenithal sun, made resistant grapes, with compact bunches after a grouped blooming around June 2
nd. The thick skins could accept moderated end summer rainfalls.

The rainy episode from mid-September, on our plowed soils, didn’t dilu...


Vintage 2015

Full report of Bordeaux 2015 by Andrew Caillard MW “Next in line in a great series of vintages; 2000, 2005, 2009, 2010 and 2015.


2015 is a wonderful Bordeaux vintage without the hype or hysteria associated with 2009 and 2010. The wines are generally expressive and generous with wonderful concentration and structure. Given another year in barrel, the wines should gain more complexity and fruit volume. Châteaux, in all sub-regions, are e...




St. Julien, Bordeaux
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