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The Story

Richebourg is a king of a wine: the colonnade of the Louvre, the Château of Versailles. You are impressed by its finesse, its length and its delicate sensations, endlessly changing. The fact that no element dominates the others enables you to appreciate all of its aromas, on the nose and on the palate. In any given vintage, Richebourg is always one of the last wines to be drunk. Not because it is too aggressive when young; simply because it ne...


Vintage 1957

Burgundy: Firm and intensely flavoured wines, acidity less marked than in Bordeaux.

Low temperatures in spring resulted in late flowering. After a warm start to summer, August and September were cool and rainy. The resulting wines were tight with pronounced acidity, which needed time to soften. It's this acidic backbone which has kept them alive to this day — now fully mature, the fruit shows itself better.


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Had a stinky nose with a bit of hay and diaper along with earth, tobacco, wet dog and mushroom. The flavors were rich and ripe, however, but also dirty and meaty with its brown fruit, leather and autumnal flavors. Gordon was impressed with the entire afternoon, calling them 'all smashmouth wines!'
  • 92p
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Beaune, Burgundy
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