

What is the best champagne of all time? In my opinion, this is a question for which there is no single answer. And yet, so many wine magazine articles written by so many wine experts still try to find the ultimate answer year after year.

This is a question that seems to have a different “right” answer every time, depending on who is asking and when.

This is a question whose reasonableness – or even necessity – can have many perspectives. This is also a question that I believe no one other than the person asking it could provide the correct answer to. The answer you invariably come up with is entirely subjective – all others are virtually meaningless.

In my case, I found this ultimate answer in a cozy showroom of the Krug champagne house, where I had the privilege of joining Rémi Krug to taste one of the rarest and most famous champagnes in the world - the Krug 1928. The champagne was perfection itself, probably the best champagne I have ever tasted. But is it the best champagne ever? For me, it certainly does!

The tasting alone put the Krug 1928 at the top of my personal list, and when that experience was further broadened and deepened by the many chapters of the Krug 1928 story, recounted by Rémi as we savored this ambrosia, it there was no room for doubt.


Krug surplus by Remi Krug

“At this time, Krug's main market was England – particularly for Krug Vintage – and England's major wine merchants generally ordered and paid for an allocated quantity of Krug Vintage at an early stage, i.e. -say just after bottling and well before delivery. This is largely the same practice used today with en primeur purchases in Bordeaux. Indeed, English merchants bought the 1928 vintage at a very bad time, just as the economic crash of 1929 was affecting livelihoods and the threat of war was looming on the horizon. Experts' high expectations of this rare vintage, Krug's reputation, the lack of good vintages in the early 1920s, and the limited availability of Krug 1928 made it a major commercial success.

When the war broke out in 1939, our cellars still contained a large quantity of lots already paid for by the English, so my grandfather Joseph very wisely decided to buy them back in order to avoid them falling into the hands of the Germans. At the end of the war, he offered the wines he had saved to the original buyers, but some of them no longer wanted the entire quantity of that vintage, opting instead for partial or total substitution with a later vintage (1937). So my grandfather kept the “surplus” (what a strange word to use for a Krug!) for himself. This is why we were able to appreciate this unique vintage and follow its evolution! »

Tiny Glasses

Rémi was also kind enough to tell me a little about his own personal memories of the 1928 Krug:

“I first tasted 1928 at my grandfather’s house, where each of the five grandchildren took turns for lunch each week, each on our own day. My day was Thursday. Because the middle of the week was free at that time in France, I was able to stay at my grandparents' house after lunch and listen to stories about their lives, our family, the city and the wars - it was something about which they had a lot to say!

At lunch I always had a little drop of Krug in a little kids champagne flute as well as Bordeaux – that’s how I found most of the Bordeaux that I love. The Krug was, naturally, a great vintage, but once or twice a year we were able to enjoy the famous Krug 1928 – I still remember the rich, tender and enchanting magic of those few drops of divine nectar from my childhood.

Later, when I started working for Krug in 1965, I was allowed to join my father and Henri on those special occasions, when a bottle was opened and shared with the guests. This could have happened once a year, so these opportunities were not to be missed - or forgotten. On one of these occasions we enjoyed two bottles of Krug 1928 with Serena Sutcliffe and David Peppercorn; One of the bottles came from my grandfather's stores and was corked before the war in 1939. The second corking of the other bottle was done in the late 1940s. The tasting was completely blind – we didn't We didn't even say which Krug we were drinking. Naturally, Serena and David recognized that they were the same wines, and found a little more vivacity and passion in, as it turned out, the wine whose bottle had been corked before the war; Another demonstration of our long-standing “apathy” regarding the importance of a second closure.


Up to the last drop !

I would like to end with a very personal and precious anecdote: at the end of the 1960s, when my grandfather, Joseph Krug, was approaching the ripe old age of 100, he summoned Henri and me to ask how much Krug 1928 he had left in his personal stores. When we told him, he proclaimed, "Well, boys, I know I'm supposed to cut down on my drinking, but when I turn 100, we'll have a big party and drink all that Krug 1928 - Up to the last drop! » I was stunned, but delighted by this proclamation! Here was a man who was very old in years, but very young at heart, still possessing such a zest for life that he was willing to give up this extremely precious wine in one fell swoop, while most people cling tightly , jealously guarding their treasures as they age. What a youthful lesson this was for all of us! It reinforced my belief that even the most magnificent wine is nothing if it cannot be enjoyed and shared, that the only things worth collecting and preserving are the memories of those epiphanous experiences where the magic of a Krug, just like the magic of a Yquem, a Pétrus, a Shakespeare, Mozart or Charlie Parker.



The weather conditions in Bordeaux during the 1928 growing season played a pivotal role in shaping the vintage. The year started with a mild winter, followed by a warm and dry spring that allowed for an early budbreak and flowering. 

Bordeaux 1928 Reds: The red wines of Bordeaux from the 1928 vintage are notable for their unique character and their representation of a challenging growing season.

Appearance: The 1928 Bordeaux reds typically exhibit a brick-red to amber color, reflecting their considerable age.

Nose: On the nose, the 1928 Bordeaux reds offer an array of aromas, including dried fruits, tobacco, cedar, and subtle earthy notes. While they may not possess the vibrancy of wines from more exceptional vintages, they are known for their complexity.

Palate: In the mouth, the 1928 Bordeaux reds are characterized by their delicate and often resolved tannins. The wines tend to be lighter in body and lack the depth and concentration found in 1929 vintage. Flavors of dried cherries, currants, and subtle herbal nuances can be discerned.

Overall Impressions: The Bordeaux 1928 vintage is generally regarded as a fine vintage in terms of wine quality. 

For collectors and enthusiasts, the 1928 Bordeaux wines offer a historical perspective on the region's winemaking. While they all may not consistently deliver the depth and elegance associated with Bordeaux at its best, they can provide insight into a unique period in the region's history and the variability of Bordeaux vintages. When encountering bottles from this vintage today, it's essential to manage expectations and to seek out well-preserved bottles from reputable producers for the best possible tasting experiences.

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Burgundy / Fine and fragrant. Some great wines, long-lived and still excellent.  Spring started well and hopes were high until May frost in Chablis and later on serious hail in the Côte de Nuits severely reduced the crop size. The summer that followed was hot. Harvest started in early October. The better terroirs in the Côte de Beaune in particular made great wines. As in Bordeaux, the 1928 Burgundies are sturdier compared to the 1929s.

Burgundy 1928 Reds: The red wines of Burgundy from the 1928 vintage have a reputation for being wines of modest quality. These wines are characterized by their aged appearance and relatively limited aging potential.

Appearance: The 1928 Burgundy reds typically exhibit a brick-red to amber color, reflecting their considerable age.

Nose: On the nose, the 1928 Burgundy reds offer aromas of dried red fruits, forest floor, and earthy notes. While they lack the vibrancy of wines from more exceptional vintages, they still possess a certain charm.

Palate: In the mouth, the 1928 Burgundy reds are marked by their delicate and often resolved tannins. The acidity levels can vary, but the wines tend to be lighter in body and lack the depth and concentration found in more outstanding Burgundy vintages. Flavors of dried cherries and subtle herbal elements can be detected.

Overall Impressions: The Burgundy 1928 vintage is generally regarded as a modest vintage in terms of wine quality. The challenging weather conditions during the growing season resulted in wines that lack the complexity and aging potential of Burgundy's finest years.

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Champagne Vintage by Richard Juhlin / The vintage of the century! Krug from this year is considered by many experts to be the most perfect champagne ever made. More than eighty years old, champagne is always a gamble, and I regret to inform you that I am no longer equally impressed with this powerful vintage as I was earlier. Certainly, there are great bottles— and the acidity is always impressive—but most are pitted by maderisation, unlike the delicious 1921. The major exception is, of course, my best champagne experience—the light and magical 1928 Pol Roger Grauves. 

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Vintage Report

Bordeaux vintage report by Château Margaux / 1928 and 1929, what a fabulous pair of vintages! To find successive years of such quality, we had to wait around sixty years until 1989 and 1990; however, in Margaux we could also cite 1982 and 1983. The wines made in the 1928 vintage were, from the start, incredibly powerful and concentrated, often even harsh and austere, which explains why 1928 was eclipsed by 1929 which was had an almost immediate appeal.
Château Margaux 1928 is a remarkably great wine and is today perhaps superior to the 1929, as it has, overall, aged better. There is more consistency in the bottles, the wine has lost its hardness, but has retained an absolutely extraordinary freshness and richness. It may not have the great finesse of a 1929 bottle, but its freshness is much greater.

Weather report
It was a wonderful time, practically from flowering to harvest, which allowed the grapes to reach an exceptional level of concentration and maturity. (Pick-up started on September 25)


The 1928 vintage is excellent for Latour. The weather conditions were encouraging throughout the summer. Big heatwave before and during the harvest of very healthy and ripe grapes. In Latour, they made 85 barrels of wine. It was long infamous for being an overly tannic wine. However, it has mellowed wonderfully now.

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Beloved children's cartoon character Mickey Mouse makes his first appearance in "Steamboat Willie." Steamboat Willie was one of the first successful films to feature synchronized sound in an animated cartoon film. It was produced by Walt Disney and premiered in New York on November 18th of 1928. The short cartoon was quite popular and Disney began producing more films featuring the iconic mouse. Merchandise and fan clubs came soon after, making sure that the mischievous rodent would earn a permanent place in popular culture.


Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in and changed the world of modern medicines by introducing the age of antibiotics and his discovery of penicillin has, and still, saves millions of people.

Home Pregnancy Test is first introduced which tests for the presence of hCG which doubles every 48 hrs during early pregnancy and is checked using a urine sample. Introduced by Selmar Aschheim and Bernard Zondek

The Summer Olympics are held for the first time in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

On March 12th the St. Francis dam collapses causing a massive wave into the San Francisquito Canyon in California flooding the towns of Castaic Junction, Fillmore, and Bardsdale and killing an estimated 500 plus although the exact number is not known.

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The best wines of the 1928 vintage

Name Tb Producer Location
1 Château Latour 100 Château Latour Bordeaux, France
2 Krug Collection 100 Krug Champagne, France
3 d'Yquem 100 Château d'Yquem Bordeaux, France
4 Krug Vintage 100 Krug Champagne, France
5 Pol Roger Vinothèque 100 Pol Roger Champagne, France
6 Crème de Tête 100 Château d'Arche Sauternes, France
7 Château La Conseillante 100 Château La Conseillante Bordeaux, France
8 Cheval Blanc 100 Van der Meulen Burgundy/Bordeaux, Belgium
9 La Mission Haut-Brion 100 Van der Meulen Burgundy/Bordeaux, Belgium
10 Château Lascombes 100 Château Lascombes Bordeaux, France
11 Château Léoville Poyferré 100 Château Léoville Poyferré Bordeaux, France
12 Château Suduiraut 99 Château Suduiraut Bordeaux, France
13 Château Beychevelle 99 Château Beychevelle Bordeaux, France
14 Vintage 99 Louis Roederer Champagne, France
15 Vieux Chateau Certan 99 Vieux Château Certan Bordeaux, France
16 Richebourg 99 Van der Meulen Burgundy/Bordeaux, Belgium
17 Latour-à-Pomerol 99 Château Latour-à-Pomerol Bordeaux, France
18 Château Margaux 98 Château Margaux Bordeaux, France
19 Vintage Champagne 98 Bollinger Champagne, France
20 Sigalas-Rabaud 98 Château Sigalas-Rabaud Bordeaux, France
21 Vintage 98 Moët & Chandon Champagne, France
22 Kiedricher Gräfenberg Riesling 98 Kloster Eberbach Rheingau, Germany
23 Château Canon-La-Gaffelière 98 Château Canon-La-Gaffelière Bordeaux, France
24 Pavie 98 Château Pavie Bordeaux, France
25 Château Palmer 97 Château Palmer Bordeaux, France
26 Château Calon Ségur 97 Château Calon-Ségur Bordeaux, France
27 Château Haut-Brion 97 Château Haut-Brion Bordeaux, France
28 La Tâche 97 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Burgundy, France
29 Chambertin 97 Domaine Armand Rousseau Burgundy, France
30 Château Rieussec 97 Château Rieussec Sauternes, France
31 Château Coutet 97 Château Coutet Sauternes, France
32 Romanée Conti 97 Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Burgundy, France
33 Pol Roger vintage 96 Pol Roger Champagne, France
34 Léoville-Las Cases 96 Château Léoville-Las Cases Saint-Julien, France
35 Pétrus 96 Château Pétrus Pomerol, France
36 Château Gruaud-Larose 96 Château Gruaud-Larose Bordeaux, France
37 Cheval Blanc 96 Château Cheval Blanc Bordeaux, France
38 La Mission Haut Brion 96 Château La Mission Haut-Brion Bordeaux, France
39 Marques de Riscal Reserva 96 Marqués de Riscal Rioja, Spain
40 Château Ausone 96 Château Ausone Bordeaux, France
41 Château La Tour Blance 96 Château La Tour Blance Sauternes, France
42 Vintage 96 Perrier-Jouët Champagne, France
43 La Tâche 96 Chevillot Burgundy, France
44 Millésime 96 Champagne Henriot Champagne, France
45 Clos Fourtet 96 Clos Fourtet Bordeaux, France
46 Château Mouton-Rothschild 95 Château Mouton-Rothschild Bordeaux, France
47 Montrose 95 Château Montrose Bordeaux, France
48 Dom Pérignon 95 Moët & Chandon Champagne, France
49 Pommard Epenots 95 Dr.Barolet Burgundy, France
50 Charmes-Chambertin 95 Louis Jadot Burgundy, France
51 Château Poujeaux 95 Château Poujeaux Bordeaux, France
52 Château Cos d'Estournel 94 Château Cos d'Estournel Bordeaux, France
53 Château Smith Haut Lafitte 94 Château Smith Haut Lafitte Bordeaux, France
54 Madeira Sercial 94 D'Oliveiras Madeira Madeira, Portugal
55 Vintage 94 Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Champagne, France
56 Charmes-Chambertin 95 Ch. & Ed. Jantot Charmes-Chambertin, France
57 Château Climens 94 Château Climens Bordeaux, France
58 Verdelho 94 Blandy's Madeira, Portugal
59 Sercial 94 Pereira d’Oliveira Madeira, Portugal
60 Salon 93 Salon Champagne, France
61 Livadia White Muscat 93 Massandra Crimea, Ukraine
62 Chateau Certan de May 93 Château Certan de May Bordeaux, France
63 Château L´Evangile 93 Château L´Evangile Pomerol, France
64 Reserve de Wermacht 93 Pol Roger Champagne, France
65 Château Caillou 93 Château Caillou Sauternes, France
66 Shiraz Port 93 Yalumba Winery South Australia, Australia
67 Château Pape Clément 93 Château Pape Clément Bordeaux, France
68 Château Brane-Cantenac 92 Château Brane-Cantenac Bordeaux, France
69 Domaine de Chevalier 92 Domaine de Chevalier Pessac Leognan, France
70 Chateau Leoville-Barton 92 Château Leoville-Barton Bordeaux, France
71 Vintage 92 Piper-Heidsieck Champagne, France
72 Cordon Rouge vintage 92 G.H. Mumm Champagne, France
73 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey 92 Château Lafaurie-Peyraguey Bordeaux, France
74 Imperial Gran Reserva 91 C.V.N.E /Cune Rioja, Spain
75 Brut Impérial 91 Moët & Chandon Champagne, France
76 Château Desmirail 91 Château Desmirail Bordeaux, France
77 Château Pichon-Longueville Baron 91 Château Pichon-Longueville Baron Bordeaux, France
78 Château Langoa Barton 91 Château Langoa Barton Saint-Julien, France
79 Château Rauzan-Gassies 91 Château Rauzan-Gassies Bordeaux, France
80 Gran Reserva 90 Federico Paternina Rioja, Spain
81 Lafite-Rothschild 89 Château Lafite-Rothschild Bordeaux, France
82 Château Angelus 88 Château Angelus Bordeaux, France
83 Château Guiraud 88 Château Guiraud Bordeaux, France
84 Château de Rayne Vigneau 88 Château de Rayne Vigneau Bordeaux, France
85 Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande 87 Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande Bordeaux, France
86 Château Filhot 83 Château Filhot Sauternes, France
87 Château de Malle 81 Château de Malle Bordeaux, France
88 Château Bastor-Lamontagne 81 Château Bastor-Lamontagne Sauternes, France
89 Château Yon-Figeac 81 Château Yon-Figeac Bordeaux, France
90 Vintage 77 Ruinart Champagne, France
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