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The Story

Ornellaia Bolgheri Superiore DOC is the estate's flagship wine which embodies the quality philosophy of the estate.

Tenuta dell'Ornellaia's production hilosophy is based upon the belief that wines must be the most faithful expression of the terroirs that produce them. The mild marine climate and the colours and aromas of the lush Mediterranean vegetation leave a special imprint upon the character of the wines. A respect for the estate's uni...


Wine Information

Ornellaia 2009: L’Equilibrio
A seductive, silky Ornellaia

Bolgheri, Tuscany. A single characteristic to completely convey the 2009 vintage of Ornellaia seems a simple idea, but in fact it is quite difficult. L’Equilibrio expresses the balance of cool and hot weather that created optimal conditions for the ideal levels of ripeness and complexity of the grapes.

“Only constant, painstaking attention through the entire growth cycle and...


Tasting note

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Written Notes

Bouquet aromatique de cassis, prune, fruits secs et chêne grillé. Bouche qui étonne pas son fruité doux et caressant. Le noyau toutefois révèle une bonne structure derrière toute cette générosité de fruits. Les tannins sont enrobants mais souple à la fois. Une petite pointe de chaleur en finale dérange et m’empêche d’attribuer à ce vin 2 points de plus. Servir a 14 degrés pour couper sa générosité alcoolique. Boire entre 2017-2023.

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Bolgheri, Tuscany

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