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    Seafood, Salads & Consommes

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The Story

Moët & Chandon Impérial is a complete, generous and dynamic Champagne made of chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot meunier. Moët Impérial is the House’s iconic Champagne. Created in 1869, it embodies Moët & Chandon’s unique style- a style distinguished by its bright fruitiness, its seductive palate and its elegant maturity.

Created from more than 100 different wines, of which 20% to 30% are reserve wines specially selected to enhance its maturi...


Wine Information

The pioneering spirit has always defined our brand, in every arena from viniculture to new ways of celebrating with champagne. It all began with our founder Claude Moët’s vision of transforming a prestigious but little known regional wine into a favourite of cosmopolitans and courtiers throughout Europe. His grandson Jean-Rémy Moët set out to conquer the market and soon transformed Moët & Chandon into an international symbol of celebration, ac...


Vintage 1983

Champagne: The 1983 vintage was one of the decade’s most mature vintages and is at its best today.

    This vintage was not born without pain, either. If the 1982 winter was cold and the spring cool, then this year it was many more times so. The damp and flowering. When it finally took place, the weather conditions were excellent. The summer was warm and sunny. As in the previous year, fall rains saved the grapes from drying up. Along with ...




Reims, Champagne

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Grand Vintage Collection

Grand vintage rosé


MCIII 001.14

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Rosé Impérial




Vintage rosé

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